The Von Duprin Game Changer, Part 1: The Power of Three

On December 30th 1903, thirty-three year old Carl Prinzler was in Chicago for business. With his business concluded, Carl found himself delayed in getting home. Deciding to pass the time, he planned on getting a ticket to see Klaw and Erlanger’s “Mister Bluebeard” production at the new Iroquois Theatre. But at the last minute, a train ticket came available and he rushed to get home to Indianapolis…

In the streets of Indianapolis, a German immigrant by the name of Clemens Vonnegut Senior took a brisk walk through the streets. Carrying heavy rocks in his hands, and his trademark cape billowing along behind him, Clemens did this regularly in all weather and times of day. Although strange, he had the reputation of being a fair and honest man. With his exceptionally strong work ethic, he founded and ran the Vonnegut Hardware Company…

Although a member of the famous Dupont family, Henry H. was quiet about it. He spent his days designing buildings and other, everyday items on paper. One of those everyday items was a design collaboration with his neighbor, mister Carl Prinzler…

Shortly after the events of the Iroquois Theatre fire, these three men would come together and create something that still saves lives this very day…

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